
Catching Fire

(pages provided with scripture references refer to the LIVE Teen Study Bible, New Living Translation.)

Who has seen the first Hunger Games movie?

The Hunger Games is set in the nation of Panem. The name Panem comes from the Latin term “panem et circenses”, which means “bread and circuses”. The phrase itself is used to describe entertainment used to distract public attention from more important matters. Furthermore, by the government providing ample food and entertainment, the people would give up their political rights.  (In fact, the arena in The Hunger Games is based on the Colosseum of ancient Rome. Think gladiators, feeding Christians to the lions, and other such forms of entertainment.)

In the first Hunger Games, what is the overall attitude of the people towards the world around them? (helpless, just trying to cope, poor)

By making the news stories about hairdos, dresses, and gossip, what was President Snow trying to do? (distract people’s attention from the more important matters)

What are the more important matters?

So far, the government has been fairly successful at distracting the people. – Who has seen Catching Fire? –But in Catching Fire, attitudes are changing because the people have a growing hope in the person of Katniss Everdeen.

In the clip we are going to watch, Prim, Katniss’s sister, lets Katniss know how her actions have inspired people.

—Begin clip at 43:19   End clip at 44:21 (as Prim says “I love you too”)—

How has the attitude of many people changed? (she has given them hope) Why do you think they called the movie Catching Fire?

The people have been beaten down for a long time. They are in desperate need of a leader, a savior.

President Snow sees that the people have hope, and he knows that is a dangerous thing.  The question is, what will he do about it?…

Next clip:  —Continue where last one left off at 44:21.   End clip at 47:09—

Why does President Snow want to reap the tributes from the existing victors? (He wants Katniss terminated – and not just her – all the victors. He wants to make the people lose any hope of freedom so that he can retain absolute control.)

p. 1058 – John 10:10 (the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy)

How does the devil present himself? Red and with horns on his head?

p. 1151 – 2 Cor 11:14 (disguised as an angel of light)  – he’ll make it look like he’s helping you

What is he really doing?   p. 1239 – 1 Pet 5:8 (roaring lion looking for someone he’s able to kill)

What did you notice about the people in the Capitol? (They were swept up in the entertainment.)  They all fell for the “smoke and mirrors”. They don’t even realize what President Snow is doing. In the same way, the devil has been successful deceiving many people into thinking that things can’t be better – this is as good as it gets and you’d better like me for it. What are some distractions that the devil uses? What is the more important stuff that he does not want us to think about?

Who and what is OUR hope?

p. 1200 – 2 Tim 1:10 – what is the Good News?

Read in NIV – 1 Pet 1:3 – 5

Let’s read 1 Pet 5:8 again – p. 1239.  A couple things to note: roaring lion – all he is doing is making noise. He has no power over you. He can’t make you do anything. He’s trying to scare you into doing what he wants. Once you know that Jesus has taken away his power, what is there to be afraid of?  (Read in NIV: 1 John 3:8) All the devil is left with is “smoke and mirrors”. We are the ones with power. We have the Holy Spirit inside us – God himself living in us.  2 Cor 3:12 says, “Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.”

p. 1200 – 2 Tim 1:6-7 (fan into flame, spirit of power)

Fan into flame what God has put in you, Catch the fire. Be part of the revolution against Satan and his schemes. He is a defeated foe. Remind him of that fact. You are the victors.

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